The Language of Composition
Fourth Edition | ©2023
Renee Shea; Lawrence Scanlon; ...
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Everything's an Argument with Readings (Cloth Text)
Ninth Edition | ©2022
Andrea A. Lunsford; John J. Ru...
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American Literature and Rhetoric
First Edition | ©2021
Robin Aufses; Renee Shea; Kath...
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Bedford/St. Martin's ELL Workbook
Third Edition | ©2020
Sapna Gandhi-Rao; Maria McCorm...
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The Language of Composition
Third Edition | ©2018
Renee Shea; Lawrence Scanlon; ...
from $55.00
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High School Version for Everything's an Argument with Readings
Seventh Edition | ©2016
Andrea A. Lunsford; John J. Ru...
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High School Edition of 40 Model Essays
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