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Helps students see the big picture of World History
Ways of the World is the ideal textbook for your redesigned AP® World History classroom. Like the AP® course it supports, Ways of the World focuses on significant historical trends, themes, and developments in world history. Authors Robert Strayer and Eric Nelson provide a thoughtful and insightful synthesis that helps students see the big picture. Each chapter then culminates with collections of primary sources organized around a particular theme, issue, or question, allowing students to consider the evidence the way historians do.
Features that prepare students for success:
New to This Edition
New co-author Eric Nelson brings an enhanced focus on teaching in today’s classroom. Eric Nelson, a popular and skilled teacher who has become a national leader in online course design and pedagogy, joins Bob Strayer as co-author of Ways of the World. Organized into Six Parts. These parts align to the six time periods established by the College Board for the AP® World History course. Each part and chapter of this text is structured around a common set of features designed to convey the rich story of humankind while helping students develop the skills required to realize success on the AP® World History exam. AP® Redesign test bank. Updated to the third edition, this disc provides two test banks in one: content-based questions that correlate to chapter-based material and AP®-style questions for two complete sample exams. Eric’s Activities. Located in the Teacher’s Edition, these activities written by co-author Eric Nelson address AP® Historical Thinking Skills or Thematic Learning Objectives. Understanding AP® Themes feature at the beginning of each part has students identify the important forces shaping each period and make connections between chapters. This feature includes an AP® Thematic Grid. AP® Exam Tips in the margins help students learn important concepts and develop skills to help succeed on the AP® Exam. AP® Style Exam Practice Questions allow students to test themselves at the end of each part. Landmark Timeline at the beginning of each part provide a chronological overview of key events and processes. Practicing AP® Historical Thinking questions in the margins ask students to apply what they have learned in the chapter. More on the environment and Pacific Oceania gives students expanded coverage of important topics. The third edition includes enhanced treatment of environmental issues in world history, including a more thorough account of environmentalism and climate change during the past century. Expanded coverage of Pacific Oceana throughout – including new in-depth coverage in Chapter 6 – rightfully positions this distinctive cultural region alongside the other regions of the world, while underscoring the truly global approach of this book. Online Glossaries. The online resources include an AP® World History glossary with every term in the course defined, an Academic Glossary, and Glossarios featuring both the AP® and Academic glossaries in Spanish."Robert Strayer has found a magical sweetspot between being concise and inclusive, between presenting world history and engaging students, and between originality and comfort. The on-line version has a suite of ancillaries that are very useful to students and teachers alike. I regularly utilized features such as Learning Curve, editable quizzes and test banks, document and historical reading practice and associated space for student response, timeline activities, powerpoints, chapter outlines and more... At the end of the year I surveyed my students on satisfaction and found it paralleled mine. In short, this is a refreshingly engaging pedagogical suite, not "just" a text."
- Edward Walsh, Lancaster High School, NY"I am impressed with the visual sources and document analysis sections. Those will be so helpful with the redesigned course."
- Paula DSpain, McKinney ISD, TX"I love the book. Very impressed with its connections to both the content standards as well as the thematic standards."
- Jason Carter, Fairbanks High School OH"I like the documents within the book. I had previously been using a separate documents book for primary sources."
- Paul Hoelscher Clayton Schools, MO"I LOVE how the book is organized to match the AP Periodization. This makes the breaks between time periods very clear for me as a teacher and for students as well. The Guided Reading Questions in the margins give students indications of what they should be looking for as they read. These can easily be typed up by a teacher and turned into a Guided Reading handout for students. (Easy way to implement modifications for diverse learners.) AP Exam Tips are well organized around how students need to connect information and the skills they need for the Exam. Especially the ones pertaining to essay writing. Big Picture Questions at the end of the chapters are well aligned with AP Themes and requires students to look at the overarching themes. Working with Evidence Sources: It is great that the sources are short and come with effective skills based questions. I also love that Visual Sources are also included."
- Tyronne Shaw, McKinley Technology High School, Washington DC
Ways of the World with Sources for the AP® Course
Third Edition| ©2016
Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Ways of the World with Sources for the AP® Course
Third Edition| 2016
Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson
To the Student
How to Get the Most from This Program
Working with Evidence
Historical Thinking Skills: An AP® Primer
Prologue: From Cosmic History to Human History
PART ONE First Things First: Beginnings in History, to 600 b.c.e.
1. First Peoples; First Farmers: Most of History in a Single Chapter, to 4000 b.c.e.
2. First Civilizations: Cities, States, and Unequal Societies, 3500 b.c.e.–500 b.c.e.
PART TWO Second-Wave Civilizations in World History, 600 b.c.e.–600 c.e.
3. State and Empire in Eurasia/North Africa, 500 b.c.e.–500 c.e.
4. Culture and Religion in Eurasia/North Africa, 500 b.c.e.–500 c.e.
5. Society and Inequality in Eurasia/North Africa, 500 b.c.e.–500 c.e.
6. Commonalities and Variations: Africa, the Americas, and Pacific Oceania, 500 b.c.e.–1200 c.e.
PART THREE An Age of Accelerating Connections, 600–1450
7. Commerce and Culture, 500–1500
8. China and the World: East Asian Connections, 500–1300
9. The Worlds of Islam: Afro-Eurasian Connections, 600–1500
10. The Worlds of Christendom: Contraction, Expansion, and Division, 500–1300
11. Pastoral Peoples on the Global Stage: The Mongol Moment, 1200–1500
12. The Worlds of the Fifteenth Century
PART FOUR The Early Modern World, 1450–1750
13. Political Transformations: Empires and Encounters, 1450–1750
14. Economic Transformations: Commerce and Consequence, 1450–1750
15. Cultural Transformations: Religion and Science, 1450–1750
PART FIVE The European Moment in World History, 1750–1900
16. Atlantic Revolutions, Global Echoes, 1750–1914
17. Revolutions of Industrialization, 1750–1914
18. Colonial Encounters in Asia, Africa, and Oceania, 1750–1950
19. Empires in Collision: Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, 1800–1914
PART SIX The Most Recent Century, 1900–2015
20. Collapse at the Center: World War, Depression, and the Rebalancing of Global Power, 1914–1970s
21. Revolution, Socialism, and Global Conflict: The Rise and Fall of World Communism, 1917–present
22. The End of Empire: The Global South on the Global Stage, 1914–present
23. Capitalism and Culture: The Acceleration of Globalization, since 1945
Ways of the World with Sources for the AP® Course
Third Edition| 2016
Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson
Robert W. Strayer (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin) brings wide experience in world history to the writing of Ways of the World. His teaching career began in Ethiopia where he taught high school world history for two years as part of the Peace Corps. At the university level, he taught African, Soviet, and world history for many years at the State University of New York-College at Brockport, where he received Chancellors Awards for Excellence in Teaching and for Excellence in Scholarship. In 1998 he was visiting professor of world and Soviet history at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. Since moving to California in 2002, he has taught world history at the University of California, Santa Cruz; California State University, Monterey Bay; and Cabrillo College. He is a long-time member of the World History Association and served on its Executive Committee. He has also participated in various AP® World History gatherings, including two years as a reader. His publications include Kenya: Focus on Nationalism, The Making of Mission Communities in East Africa, The Making of the Modern World, Why Did the Soviet Union Collapse?, and The Communist Experiment.
Eric W. Nelson (D.Phil., Oxford University) is a professor of history at Missouri State University. He is an experienced teacher who has won a number of awards, including the Governor’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2011 and the CASE and Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Professor of the Year Award for Missouri in 2012. He is currently Faculty Fellow for Engaged Learning, developing new ways to integrate in-class and online teaching environments. His publications include The Legacy of Iconoclasm: Religious War and the Relic Landscape of Tours, Blois and Vendôme, and The Jesuits and the Monarchy: Catholic Reform and Political Authority in France.
Ways of the World with Sources for the AP® Course
Third Edition| 2016
Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson
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Unlock Your Preview.The Teacher’s Edition provides a wealth of guidance and support for AP® teachers. Annotations include model answers for questions in the...
The Teacher’s Edition provides a wealth of guidance and support for AP® teachers. Annotations include model answers for questions in the book, teaching tips, Historical Thinking Skills practice, pacing guides, and exam alerts. The teacher’s edition helps teachers at all levels build the most successful AP® World History course they can. Author Jay Harmon, the Social Studies chair at The Woodlands Christian Academy, TX, is a former member of the AP® World History test development committee and has led AP® workshops in the United States, England, Germany, and Panama.
The revised and expanded electronic test bank includes a mix of fresh, carefully crafted multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions for eac...
The revised and expanded electronic test bank includes a mix of fresh, carefully crafted multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter. Additionally, each chapter includes a section of multiple-choice questions focused exclusively on the chapters written and visual sources. In addition to content-based questions, this test bank includes two complete AP® exams in the redesign style.
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Ways of the World with Sources for the AP® Course
Third Edition| 2016
Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson
Ways of the World with Sources for the AP® Course
Third Edition| 2016
Robert W. Strayer; Eric W. Nelson
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