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The Practice of Statistics (TPS) is written specifically to address the College Board AP® Statistics Course Description. Now the overwhelming bestseller for the course returns in a spectacular new edition.
For this edition, Josh Tabor joins the author team of veteran AP...
The Practice of Statistics (TPS) is written specifically to address the College Board AP® Statistics Course Description. Now the overwhelming bestseller for the course returns in a spectacular new edition.
For this edition, Josh Tabor joins the author team of veteran AP® teachers who fully understand how to engage and teach high school students. With new problem-solving and test preparation features and a dramatically enhanced suite of media tools, the fifth edition provides everything teachers and students need to succeed in the course and on the AP® Statistics exam.
This package includes Hardcover and Paperback.
Read and study old-school with our bound texts.
The Practice of Statistics (TPS) is written specifically to address the College Board AP® Statistics Course Description. Now the overwhelming bestseller for the course returns in a spectacular new edition.
For this edition, Josh Tabor joins the author team of veteran AP® teachers who fully understand how to engage and teach high school students. With new problem-solving and test preparation features and a dramatically enhanced suite of media tools, the fifth edition provides everything teachers and students need to succeed in the course and on the AP® Statistics exam.
Examples with paired “Try “Problems – At the heart of the TPS approach are the 175 worked examples, which are mapped to parallel exercises in the Section Exercises, to offer students both practice and support. A backward/forwards navigation system ensures that students who start by trying to work exercises and only then go back to read the text content will land at the right spot and will get the guided help they need. Each Example presents a detailed response in a “student font” to model a complete and well written solution.
Over 1600 Problems for Practice – Each of the 12 chapters is organized into 2-3 sections with 4-7 Learning Targets in each. Integrated through-out the text are Check Your Understanding exercises that offer “on the spot” practice for concepts and skills just learned. Each Section ends with comprehensive Section Exercises, including short answer, Multiple Choice, and “review and recycle” problems, that ensures that key ideas learned earlier in the presentation are revisited as appropriate. Every Chapter concludes with a through Chapter Review and summary, including a review table that identifies related examples and exercises for each Learning Target, a focused set of Chapter Review Exercises, and a Chapter AP® Statistics Practice Test with M/C and FRQ questions. In addition, each chapter features a FRAPPY! (Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!) activity that prepares students for the most challenging on the AP® Exam. Four Cumulative AP® Practice Tests are interspersed at logical breaks in the text (after chapters 4, 7, 10, 12) and build in level of complexity culminating in a complete model exam to help prepare students for success on the AP® Statistics Exam.
Additional help is offered through the 350 worked Example and Exercise Videos, identified by the play button , that feature an experienced AP® Statistics walking step-by-step through each one to offer additional help and support when students need it most. The can be accessed by clicking on the link in the student e-Book or viewed at the open access Student Site.
Integrated AP® Support – Our authors know from experience that success on the AP® Exam comes from practicing every day- not just during a last minute review session. In addition to strict adherence to the language, nomenclature, formulas and style of presentation that teaches that preferred on the AP® Exam, many special features are incorporated:
Technology Corners – provide detailed instructions, with screen captures, for creating graphs and performing the most important statistical analyses on the TI-84 graphing calculator. TI-Nspire, TI-89, and HP Prime instructions are available on the Student Site and in the digital platform. In addition, a comprehensive set of Applets, available free to users, supports simulation and hands-on learning and are referenced at appropriate points in the text.
New to This Edition
The sixth edition is a thorough revision of a market leading book that has been refined to provide more and better support for the diverse population of students that takes AP® Statistics today.
NEW – Many of the Examples now feature Teacher Talk boxes that feature the voice of the teacher to guide students through the appropriate steps in the solution.
NEW to TPS6 are more detailed Chapter Review Exercise Videos that augment the Section Example and Exercise Videos and help student prepare for the Chapter AP® Practice Test.
Activities and NEW Chapter Projects – with more than 30 built in Activities and 5 Chapter Projects, students are encouraged to learn by simulation and by “doing” statistics. The activities and projects may be used to support collaborative learning as well as deeper investigation and study
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
About the Authors
To the Student
Overview: What Is Statistics?
1 Data Analysis
Introduction: The Science and Art of Data
1.1 Analyzing Categorical Data
1.2 Displaying Quantitative Data with Graphs
1.3 Describing Quantitative Data with Numbers
Chapter 1 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 1 Review
Chapter 1 Review Exercises
Chapter 1 AP® Statistics Practice Test
Chapter Project
2 Modeling Distributions of Data
2.1 Describing Location in a Distribution
2.2 Density Curves and Normal Distributions
Chapter 2 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 2 Review
Chapter 2 Review Exercises
Chapter 2 AP® Statistics Practice Test
3 Describing Relationships
3.1 Scatterplots and Correlation
3.2 Least-Squares Regression
Chapter 3 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 3 Review
Chapter 3 Review Exercises
Chapter 3 AP® Statistics Practice Test
Chapter Project
4 Collecting Data
4.1 Sampling and Surveys
4.2 Experiments
4.3 Using Studies Wisely
Chapter 4 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 4 Review
Chapter 4 Review Exercises
Chapter 4 AP® Statistics Practice Test
Chapter Project
Cumulative AP® Practice Test 1
5 Probability: What Are the Chances?
5.1 Randomness, Probability, and Simulation
5.2 Probability Rules
5.3 Conditional Probability and Independence
Chapter 5 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 5 Review
Chapter 5 Review Exercises
Chapter 5 AP® Statistics Practice Test
6 Random Variables
6.1 Discrete and Continuous Random Variables
6.2 Transforming and Combining Random Variables
6.3 Binomial and Geometric Random Variables
Chapter 6 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 6 Review
Chapter 6 Review Exercises
Chapter 6 AP® Statistics Practice Test
7 Sampling Distributions
7.1 What Is a Sampling Distribution?
7.2 Sample Proportions
7.3 Sample Means
Chapter 7 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 7 Review
Chapter 7 Review Exercises
Chapter 7 AP® Statistics Practice Test
Cumulative AP® Practice Test 2
8 Estimating with Confidence
8.1 Confidence Intervals: The Basics
8.2 Estimating a Population Proportion
8.3 Estimating a Population Mean
Chapter 8 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 8 Review
Chapter 8 Review Exercises
Chapter 8 AP® Statistics Practice Test
9 Testing a Claim
9.1 Significance Tests: The Basics
9.2 Tests about a Population Proportion
9.3 Tests about a Population Mean
Chapter 9 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 9 Review
Chapter 9 Review Exercises
Chapter 9 AP® Statistics Practice Test
10 Comparing Two Populations or Groups
10.1 Comparing Two Proportions
10.2 Comparing Two Means
10.3 Comparing Two Means: Paired Data
Chapter 10 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 10 Review
Chapter 10 Review Exercises
Chapter 10 AP® Statistics Practice Test
Chapter Project
Cumulative AP® Practice Test 3
11 Inference for Distributions of Categorical Data
11.1 Chi-Square Tests for Goodness of Fit
11.2 Inference for Two-Way Tables
Chapter 11 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 11 Review
Chapter 11 Review Exercises
Chapter 11 AP® Statistics Practice Test
12 More about Regression
12.1 Inference for Linear Regression
12.2 Transforming to Achieve Linearity
Chapter 12 Wrap-Up
Free Response AP® Problem, Yay!
Chapter 12 Review
Chapter 12 Review Exercises
Chapter 12 AP® Statistics Practice Test
Final Project
Cumulative AP® Practice Test 4
Notes and Data Sources
About the AP® Exam
Formulas for AP® Statistics Exam
Table A: Standard Normal Probabilities T-1
Table B: t Distribution Critical Values T-3
Table C: Chi-Square Distribution
Critical Values T-4
Table D: Random Digits T-5
Technology Corners Reference
Inference Summary
Additional Online topics
13 Analysis of Variance
14 Multiple Linear Regression
15 Logistic Regression
Josh Tabor has enjoyed teaching on-level and AP® Statistics to high school students for more than 26 years, most recently at The Potter’s School. He received a BS in Mathematics from Biola University, in La Mirada, California. In recognition of his outstanding work as an educator, Josh was named one of the five finalists for Arizona Teacher of the Year in 2011. He is a past member of the AP® Statistics Development Committee (2005–2009) as well as an experienced Reader, Table Leader, Question Leader, and Exam Leader at the AP® Statistics Reading since 1999. In 2013, Josh was named to the SAT® Mathematics Development Committee. Each year, Josh leads one-week AP® Summer Institutes and one-day College Board workshops around the country and frequently speaks at local, national, and international conferences. In addition to teaching and speaking, Josh has authored articles in The American Statistician, The Mathematics Teacher, STATS Magazine, and The Journal of Statistics Education. Combining his love of statistics and love of sports, Josh teamed with Christine Franklin to write Statistical Reasoning in Sports, an innovative textbook for on-level statistics courses. Josh is also coauthor of the popular on-level text - Statistics and Probability with Applications (now in its fifth edition) and the new college text Introductory Statistics: A Student-Centered Approach. Outside of work, Josh enjoys gardening, traveling, and playing board games with his family.
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Unlock Your Preview.Written by Michigan Teacher of the Year and experienced AP Statistics Teacher, Luke Wilcox, the ATE provides new and experienced teachers alike wit...
Written by Michigan Teacher of the Year and experienced AP Statistics Teacher, Luke Wilcox, the ATE provides new and experienced teachers alike with a comprehensive guide to teaching AP Statistics effectively. The goal of the Teacher’s Edition is to empower every teacher, whether a rookie or experienced with AP® Statistics, to teach like a veteran from the first day of class.
The Sixth Edition ATE offers: an introduction with general advice for teaching AP Statistics, “Blue Pages” that precede the wrap-around student pages at the beginning of each chapter, a list of resources including a comprehensive list of Free Response Questions (FRQs) appropriate for that chapter, additional guidance for using applets, videos, and other Internet resources, a pacing guide for the chapter featuring Learning Targets and suggested homework assignments.
Wrapped in the margins around the student pages are Teaching Tips, Alternate Examples and Alternate Activities, short solutions, including graphs, to all of the text’s exercises, Check Your Understanding problems, and chapter tests, Notes about AP Exam Common Errors, using the AP Exam formula Sheet, and integrated notes on extra resources that are available.
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