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Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
The only AP® U.S. History book that weaves together content, skills, sources, and AP® exam practice is back and better than ever.
AP® U.S. History is about so much more than just events on a timeline. The Course Framework is designed to develop crucial reading, reasoning,
The only AP® U.S. History book that weaves together content, skills, sources, and AP® exam practice is back and better than ever.
AP® U.S. History is about so much more than just events on a timeline. The Course Framework is designed to develop crucial reading, reasoning, and writing skills that help students think like historians to interpret the world of the past—and understand how it relates to the world of today. And Fabric of a Nation is still one of the only textbooks that covers every aspect of this course, seamlessly stitching together history skills, sources, and AP® Exam practice. In this new edition, we make it easier than ever to cover all of the skills and topics in the AP® U.S. History Course and Exam Description by aligning our content to the Unit Topics and Historical Reasoning Processes of each Period.
An Accessible, Balanced Narrative
There’s only so much time in a school year. To cover everything and leave enough time for skill development, you need more focused content, not just more content—and to be most effective, skills development should be accessible and placed just where it is needed. Within the narration are AP® Skills Workshops and AP® Working with Evidence features that support students as they learn the history and prepare to take the AP® Exam. Fabric of a Nation delivers a thorough, yet approachable historical narrative that perfectly aligns with all the essential content of the AP® course. An up-to-date historical survey based on current scholarship, this book is also easy to understand and fun to read, with plenty of interesting details and a crisp writing style that keeps things fresh.
Perfectly Aligned to the AP® Scope and Sequence
Fabric of a Nation has an easy-to-use organization that fully aligns with the College Board’s Course and Exam Description for AP® U.S. History. Instead of long, meandering chapters, this book is divided into smaller, approachable modules that pull together content, skills, sources, and AP® Exam practice into brief 1- to 2-day lessons. Each module corresponds with a specific unit topic in the course framework, including the contextualization and reasoning process topics that bookend each time period. This approach takes the guesswork out of when to introduce which skills and how to blend sources with content—all at a manageable pace that mirrors the scope and sequence of the AP® course framework.
Seamlessly Integrated AP® Skill Workshops for Thinking and Writing Skills
Inspired by the authors’ classroom experience and sound pedagogical principles, the instruction in Fabric of a Nation scaffolds learning throughout the course of the book. Every module offers an opportunity to either learn or practice new skills to prepare for each section of the AP® Exam in an AP® Skills Workshop. As the book progresses, the nature of these workshops moves from focused instruction early on, to guided practice in the middle of the book, and then finally, to independent practice near the end of the year.
Fabric of a Nation was designed to provide you and your students everything needed to succeed in the AP® US History course and on the exam. It’s all there.
AP® Exam Practice: We Boast the Most Material
Every period culminates with AP® Practice questions providing students a mini-AP® exam with approximately 15 stimulus-based multiple-choice questions, 4 short-answer questions, 1 document-based essay question, and 3 long-essay questions.
Additionally, a full-length practice exam is included at the end of the textbook. Because the modules in this book are divided into periods that perfectly align to the AP® U.S. History Course and Exam Description, it’s also easy to pair Fabric of a Nation with the resources on AP® Classroom. Each textbook module can be used with the corresponding AP® Daily Videos and Topic Questions while the AP® Exam Practice at the end of each period can be supplemented with the Personal Progress Checks from AP® Classroom.
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The only AP® U.S. History book that weaves together content, skills, sources, and AP® exam practice is back and better than ever.
AP® U.S. History is about so much more than just events on a timeline. The Course Framework is designed to develop crucial reading, reasoning, and writing skills that help students think like historians to interpret the world of the past—and understand how it relates to the world of today. And Fabric of a Nation is still one of the only textbooks that covers every aspect of this course, seamlessly stitching together history skills, sources, and AP® Exam practice. In this new edition, we make it easier than ever to cover all of the skills and topics in the AP® U.S. History Course and Exam Description by aligning our content to the Unit Topics and Historical Reasoning Processes of each Period.
An Accessible, Balanced Narrative
There’s only so much time in a school year. To cover everything and leave enough time for skill development, you need more focused content, not just more content—and to be most effective, skills development should be accessible and placed just where it is needed. Within the narration are AP® Skills Workshops and AP® Working with Evidence features that support students as they learn the history and prepare to take the AP® Exam. Fabric of a Nation delivers a thorough, yet approachable historical narrative that perfectly aligns with all the essential content of the AP® course. An up-to-date historical survey based on current scholarship, this book is also easy to understand and fun to read, with plenty of interesting details and a crisp writing style that keeps things fresh.
Perfectly Aligned to the AP® Scope and Sequence
Fabric of a Nation has an easy-to-use organization that fully aligns with the College Board’s Course and Exam Description for AP® U.S. History. Instead of long, meandering chapters, this book is divided into smaller, approachable modules that pull together content, skills, sources, and AP® Exam practice into brief 1- to 2-day lessons. Each module corresponds with a specific unit topic in the course framework, including the contextualization and reasoning process topics that bookend each time period. This approach takes the guesswork out of when to introduce which skills and how to blend sources with content—all at a manageable pace that mirrors the scope and sequence of the AP® course framework.
Seamlessly Integrated AP® Skill Workshops for Thinking and Writing Skills
Inspired by the authors’ classroom experience and sound pedagogical principles, the instruction in Fabric of a Nation scaffolds learning throughout the course of the book. Every module offers an opportunity to either learn or practice new skills to prepare for each section of the AP® Exam in an AP® Skills Workshop. As the book progresses, the nature of these workshops moves from focused instruction early on, to guided practice in the middle of the book, and then finally, to independent practice near the end of the year.
Fabric of a Nation was designed to provide you and your students everything needed to succeed in the AP® US History course and on the exam. It’s all there.
AP® Exam Practice: We Boast the Most Material
Every period culminates with AP® Practice questions providing students a mini-AP® exam with approximately 15 stimulus-based multiple-choice questions, 4 short-answer questions, 1 document-based essay question, and 3 long-essay questions.
Additionally, a full-length practice exam is included at the end of the textbook. Because the modules in this book are divided into periods that perfectly align to the AP® U.S. History Course and Exam Description, it’s also easy to pair Fabric of a Nation with the resources on AP® Classroom. Each textbook module can be used with the corresponding AP® Daily Videos and Topic Questions while the AP® Exam Practice at the end of each period can be supplemented with the Personal Progress Checks from AP® Classroom.
NEW! Period-Opening Features Help Put History in Context
The Period-Opening Modules, aligned to the Contextualization Topic that starts off every unit in the AP® Course Framework, contextualize what a student will learn. Learning to place historical events and historical trends in context makes understanding easier.
NEW! What’s Inside tables
This feature previews the modules ahead. Each module is introduced with its corresponding course theme and a quick summary of main ideas.
NEW! Focus Features
The Focus feature is a brief introduction at the start of each module to help students approach the module’s narrative the way a historian would. They are designed to promote active reading and prompt critical thinking about key AP® U.S. History developments. Each Focus feature also asks students to consider how the targeted historical reasoning process from the AP® Course Framework ties into the content of the module.
Running Glossary
A running glossary across the entire book helps track the most important concepts and events in each module, with definitions visible at a glance to help contextualize the book’s historical narrative, illustrations, primary sources, and skill workshops. Even more terms are defined in full glossary at the back of the book.
Review Questions
Review Questions throughout the modules provide spots to pause and check understanding. They also offer opportunities to make connections and consider how to apply the thinking skills and reasoning processes of the AP® course to each short section of text.
Visuals for Analysis
Visuals for analysis: Learning history means examining sources in many forms. From stimulus-based multiple-choice questions to Short-Answer and Document-Based Questions, visual sources are an important part of the AP® U.S. History Exam, and a major challenge for students to analyze. To support learning and building skills, Fabric of a Nation provides a robust caption and an analytical question for every image in the book, asking students to draw on their historical knowledge to analyze and respond.
AP® Exam Tips
AP® Exam Tips in the margins of the book offer a boost where it matters most, with the inside track on the major historical events and concepts you can expect to see on the exam. These tips also offer memorable and actionable on-the-spot advice for making connections between ideas.
AP® Workshops: Instructional Features Woven Throughout
Skill-building is best done in-context. That’s why Fabric of a Nation weaves features throughout the text that help students engage with important historical developments and encounter relevant primary and secondary sources.
AP® Working with Evidence
AP® Working with Evidence Knits Together the Stories and Sources of the Past
Look for AP® Working with Evidence, with its inclusion of a rich and diverse range of primary sources—texts, graphs, illustrations, photos, and more. These boxed features, placed at precise points in the historical narrative, deepen the story by including voices, images, and artifacts from the past. These documents appear just-in-time in the narrative to help students understand the necessity of primary sources within the historical record. Each exercise culminates with a scaffolded set of questions that guide students from the details of the source to an analysis of its significance in the history they’ve just read.
AP® Skills Workshops
The AP® Skills Workshop: Thinking Historically feature leads students in how to interpret historical developments, primary and secondary sources as well as how to write about those developments and sources. These workshops appear at the end of most modules in Periods 1-6 to help develop the historical thinking skills and reasoning processes that are key to success in the AP® U.S. History course. Using the content examined in the module as examples, these workshops cover topics such as the interpretation of primary and secondary sources, comparison, and historical developments and processes; they also build the thinking skills that are the foundation of college-level historical writing.
The AP® Skills Workshop: Writing Historically feature is a writing coach—teaching students how to craft their answers, whether brief or longer. Appearing twice per period in periods 1–6, these essential exercises provide scaffolded, step-by-step instruction that takes students through how to approach each of the writing tasks on the AP® Exam: Short-Answer Questions, Long-Essay Questions, and Document-Based Questions. In Period 7-9, these workshops appear at the end of every module to provide plenty of exam practice toward the end of the year.
End-of-Period Features for Practice and Assessment
NEW! Historical Reasoning Process Modules Aligned to the AP® Course Unit Topics
The final module of each time period is always an AP® Skills Workshop: Writing Historically activity focused on the historical reasoning process and aligned to the AP® U.S. History Unit Guide. In this way, Fabric of a Nation is precisely calibrated to the College Board’s framework, making all of its instruction directly related to student success on the exam.
Period Review Sections Connect the Threads of History
Following the final module in each period, these short sections list the key concepts, events, and people of the era which are all defined in the glossary. A handy timeline helps organize the chronology of important events and historical turning points all in one place.
All New AP® Exam Practice for a New Edition
Fabric of a Nation gives students ample opportunity to practice their new AP® skills by presenting AP® Exam Practice at the end of every period and a full-length practice AP® Exam at the back of the book. The AP® Exam Practice for every period and the end-of-book Practice Exam are completely new and exclusive to this edition.
New to This Edition
NEW! Period-Opening Features Help Put History in Context
The Period-Opening Modules, aligned to the Contextualization Topic that starts off every unit in the AP® Course Framework, contextualize what a student will learn. Learning to place historical events and historical trends in context makes understanding easier.
NEW! End-of-Period Historical Reasoning Process Modules Aligned to the AP® Course Unit Topics
The final module of each time period is always an AP® Skills Workshop: Writing Historically activity focused on the historical reasoning process and aligned to the AP® U.S. History Unit Guide. In this way, Fabric of a Nation is precisely calibrated to the College Board’s framework, making all of its instruction directly related to student success on the exam.
All New AP® Exam Practice for a New Edition
Fabric of a Nation gives students ample opportunity to practice their new AP® skills by presenting AP® Exam Practice at the end of every period and a full-length practice AP® Exam at the back of the book. The AP® Exam Practice for every period and the end-of-book Practice Exam are completely new and exclusive to this edition.
"Fabric of a Nation manages to keep the reader engaged through thoughtful, engaging materials that do not make APUSH preparation a chore. It is well-aligned with the APUSH curriculum requirements, and provides ample opportunities for both content and skills-based practice."
– Dr. Salerno, ICA Cristo Rey, CA
"A fabulous book that is full of skills and and resources that are scaffolded to teach students each and every skill necessary to succeed."
– Jared Kenish-Turnbull, Wadleigh Secondary School for the Performing and Visual Arts, NY
"Fabric of a Nation is a great textbook to use to teach APUSH! As a newer teacher, it has also helped me prioritize how much time I spend on content vs. writing/historical skills. The pacing of the book has been extremely helpful!"
– Zack Olson, Denmark High School, WY
"Even if you're satisfied with your current APUSH text, Fabric of a Nation deserves a look. The content is thorough but presented in a readable fashion for students. Skills are developed all throughout the text rather than brushed over. Students are taught how to develop a claim and analyze secondary and primary sources and then can practice utilizing the historical thinking skills through SAQs and MCQs. Everything your students need is in this textbook."
– Bridget Reardon Norview High School, VA
"One of the best AP books I have gone over for adoption purposes. I wish SC had not forced us to adopt last year because I would have jumped all over this one. It enhances the efforts of the teacher in the classroom by specifically addressing the skills needed on the exam and goes step by step through them."
– Joseph Paddenburg, SC
"[Fabric] has the best available balance of all available APUSH textbooks between college-level content and meeting students where they are when they start my class (most have not taken an AP history course before)."
– Laura Robinson, Cleveland County Schools, NC
"I often recommend this in my APSI sessions because it so seamlessly uses the framework of the CED as an organizing principle, and then blends the skills and practice pieces throughout. They've done the searching for all those "extras" that you need to prepare students for the exam, and they've located them strategically throughout the book."
– Scott Horton, Williamsville South High School, NY
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Brief Contents
Period 1: 1491–1607 Europeans Make Claims in the Americas
Module 1.1 Contextualizing Period 1
Module 1.2 Native American Societies
Module 1.3 European Exploration in the Americas
Module 1.4 Columbian Exchange, Spanish Exploration, and Conquest
Module 1.5 Labor, Slavery, and Caste in the Spanish Colonial System
Module 1.6 Cultural Interactions among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans
Module 1.7 Causation in Period 1
Period 2: 1607–1754 Colonial America amid Global Change
Module 2.1 Contextualizing Period 2
Module 2.2 European Colonization
Module 2.3a The Regions of British Colonies: The South and the British West Indies
Module 2.3b The Regions of British Colonies: New England and the Middle Colonies
Module 2.4 The Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Economy
Module 2.5 Interactions between American Indians and Europeans
Module 2.6 Slavery in the British Colonies
Module 2.7 Colonial Society and Culture
Module 2.8 Comparison in Period 2
Period 3: 1754–1800 A Revolutionary Era
Module 3.1 Contextualizing Period 3
Module 3.2 The Seven Years’ War
Module 3.3 Taxation without Representation
Module 3.4 Philosophical Foundations of the American Revolution
Module 3.5 The American Revolution
Module 3.6 The Influence of Revolutionary Ideals
Module 3.7 The Articles of Confederation
Modules 3.8 & 3.9 The Constitutional Convention and Debates over Ratification & The Constitution
Module 3.10 Shaping a New Republic
Module 3.11 Developing an American Identity
Module 3.12 Movement in the Early Republic
Module 3.13 Continuity and Change in Period 3
Period 4: 1800–1848 Democracy, Industrialization, and Reform
Module 4.1 Contextualizing Period 4
Module 4.2 Political and Economic Transformations
Module 4.3 Politics, Economics, and Regional Interests
Module 4.4 America on the World Stage
Module 4.5 Market Revolution: Industrialization
Module 4.6 Market Revolution: Society and Culture
Module 4.7 Expanding Democracy
Module 4.8 Jackson and Federal Power
Module 4.9 Development of an American Culture
Module 4.10 The Second Great Awakening
Module 4.11 An Age of Reform
Modules 4.12 & 4.13 African Americans & The Society of the South in the Early Republic
Module 4.14 Causation in Period 4
Period 5: 1844–1877 Expansion, Division, and Civil War
Module 5.1 Contextualizing Period 5
Module 5.2 Manifest Destiny
Module 5.3 The Mexican-American War
Module 5.4 The Compromise of 1850
Module 5.5 Sectional Conflict: Regional Differences
Module 5.7 Election of 1860 and Secession
Module 5.8 Military Conflict in the Civil War
Module 5.9 Government Policies during the Civil War
Module 5.10 Reconstruction
Module 5.11 The Failure of Reconstruction
Module 5.12 Comparison in Period 5
Period 6: 1865–1898 A Gilded Age
Module 6.1 Contextualizing Period 6
Module 6.2 Westward Expansion: Economic Development
Module 6.3 Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Developments
Module 6.4 The “New South”
Module 6.5 Technological Innovation
Module 6.6 The Rise of Industrial Capitalism
Module 6.7 Labor in the Gilded Age
Module 6.8 Immigration and Migration in the Gilded Age
Module 6.9 Responses to Immigration in the Gilded Age
Module 6.10 Development of the Middle Class
Module 6.11 Reform in the Gilded Age
Module 6.12 Controversies over the Role of Government in the Gilded Age
Module 6.13 Politics in the Gilded Age
Module 6.14 Continuity and Change in Period 6
Period 7: 1890–1945 New Imperialism and Global Conflicts
Module 7.1 Contextualizing Period 7
Module 7.2 Imperialism: Debates
Module 7.3 The Spanish-American War
Module 7.4a The Progressives: Social Reform
Module 7.4b The Progressives: Political Reform
Module 7.5 World War I: Military and Diplomacy
Module 7.6 World War I: The Home Front
Module 7.7 1920s: Innovations in Communication and Technology
Module 7.8 1920s: Cultural and Political Controversies
Module 7.9 The Great Depression
Module 7.10 The New Deal
Module 7.11 Interwar Foreign Policy
Module 7.12 World War II: Mobilization
Modules 7.13 & 7.14 World War II: Military & Postwar Diplomacy
Module 7.15 Comparison in Period 7
Period 8: 1945–1980 Cold War America
Module 8.1 Contextualizing Period 8
Module 8.2 The Cold War
Module 8.3 The Second Red Scare
Module 8.4 The Economy after 1945
Module 8.5 Culture after 1950
Module 8.6 Early Steps in the Civil-Rights Movement (1940s and 1950s)
Module 8.7 America as a World Power
Module 8.8 The Vietnam War
Module 8.9 The Great Society
Module 8.10 The African American Civil Rights Movement (1960s)
Module 8.11 The Civil Rights Movement Expands
Module 8.12 The Youth Culture
Module 8.13 The Environment and Natural Resources from 1968 to 1980
Module 8.14 Society in Transition
Module 8.15 Continuity and Change in Period 8
Period 9: 1980–The Present Challenges in a Globalized World
Module 9.1 Contextualizing Period 9
Module 9.2 Reagan and Conservatism
Module 9.3 The End of the Cold War
Modules 9.4 & 9.5 A Changing Economy & Migration and Immigration in the 1990s and 2000s
Module 9.6 Challenges of the Twenty-First Century
Module 9.7 Causation in Period 9
Practice AP® Exam
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