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Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Aimed at helping students understand the big developments of U.S. history, America's History, Eleventh Edition has the tools needed to help students sort what's most important, including visual timelines, marginal glossary, review questions, and more. Bring history to life with a lively narrative and special boxed features containing firsthand accounts of the period. This comprehensive text organizes AP® themes and content into nine parts that closely align with the chronology of the APUSH® course, and deep dives into historical events and contexts that examine why and how history unfolded as it did. Also available is a wealth of supporting resources that provide teachers and students with the tools they need to tackle the course and succeed on the AP® exam.
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America's History for the AP® Course
Eleventh Edition| ©2025
Rebecca Edwards; Eric Hinderaker; Robert O. Self; James A. Henretta
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
America's History for the AP® Course
Eleventh Edition| 2025
Rebecca Edwards; Eric Hinderaker; Robert O. Self; James A. Henretta
PART 1 Transformations of North America, 1491–1700
1 Colliding Worlds, 1491–1600
2 American Experiments, 1521–1700
PART 2 British North America and the Atlantic World, 1607–1763
3 The British Atlantic World, 1607–1750
4 Growth, Diversity, and Conflict, 1720–1763
PART 3 Revolution and Republican Culture, 1754–1800
5 The Problem of Empire, 1754–1776
6 Making War and Republican Governments, 1776–1789
7 Hammering Out a Federal Republic, 1787–1820
PART 4 Overlapping Revolutions, 1800–1848
8 Economic Transformations, 1800–1848
9 A Democratic Revolution, 1800–1848
10 Religion, Reform, and Culture, 1820–1848
11 Imperial Ambitions, 1820–1848
PART 5 Consolidating a Continental Union, 1844–1877
12 Sectional Conflict and Crisis, 1844–1861
13 Bloody Ground: The Civil War, 1861–1865
14 Reconstruction, 1865–1877
15 Conquering a Continent, 1860–1890
PART 6 Industrializing America: Upheavals and Experiments, 1877–1917
16 Industrial America: Corporations and Conflicts, 1877–1911
17 Making Modern American Culture, 1880–1917
18 “Civilization’s Inferno”: The Rise and Reform of Industrial Cities, 1800–1917
19 Whose Government? Politics, Populists, and Progressives, 1880–1917
PART 7 Global Ambitions and Domestic Turmoil, 1890–1945
20 An Emerging World Power, 1890–1918
21 Unsettled Prosperity: From War to Depression, 1919–1932
22 Managing the Great Depression, Forging the New Deal, 1929–1938
23 The World at War, 1937–1945
PART 8 The Modern State and the Age of Liberalism, 1945–1980
24 The Cold War Dawns, 1945–1963
25 Triumph of the Middle Class, 1945–1963
26 The Civil Rights Movement, 1941–1973
27 Liberal Crisis and Conservative Rebirth, 1961–1972
28 The Search for Order in an Era of Limits, 1973–1980
PART 9 Globalization and a Changing Nation, 1980 to the Present
29 Conservative America in the Ascent, 1980–1991
30 National and Global Dilemmas, 1989 to the Present
America's History for the AP® Course
Eleventh Edition| 2025
Rebecca Edwards; Eric Hinderaker; Robert O. Self; James A. Henretta
Rebecca Edwards is Eloise Ellery Professor of History at Vassar College, where she teaches courses on nineteenth-century politics, the Civil War, the frontier West, and women, gender, and sexuality. She is the author of, among other publications, Angels in the Machinery: Gender in American Party Politics from the Civil War to the Progressive Era; New Spirits: Americans in the “Gilded Age,” 1865–1905; and the essay “Women's and Gender History” in The New American History. She is currently working on a book about the role of childbearing in the expansion of America's nineteenth-century empire.
James A. Henretta is Professor Emeritus of American History at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he taught Early American History and Legal History. His publications include “Salutary Neglect”: Colonial Administration under the Duke of Newcastle; Evolution and Revolution: American Society, 1600–1820; and The Origins of American Capitalism. His most recent publication is a long article, “Magistrates, Lawyers, Legislators: The Three Legal Systems of Early America,” in The Cambridge History of American Law.
America's History for the AP® Course
Eleventh Edition| 2025
Rebecca Edwards; Eric Hinderaker; Robert O. Self; James A. Henretta
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America's History for the AP® Course
Eleventh Edition| 2025
Rebecca Edwards; Eric Hinderaker; Robert O. Self; James A. Henretta
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