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College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 Course is the first textbook to integrate AP® skill-building and exam prep into a comprehensive college-level textbook, providing students and teachers with the resources they need to be successful in AP® Physics 1. Throughout the textbook you’ll find AP Exam Tips, AP® practice problems, and complete AP® Practice Exams, with each section of the textbook offering a unique skill-building approach. Strong media offerings include online homework with built-in tutorials to provide just-in-time feedback. College Physics provides students with the support they need to be successful on the AP® exam and in the college classroom.
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The Takeaway ends each section by outlining the important concepts students need to “take away” to ensure they understand the content. It is then followed by a set of end-of-practice problems presented in three tiers.
Chapter Review Questions test students on the concepts they’ve been learning throughout the chapter
The Visual Chapter Summary highlights key concepts and connects them to relevant equations or figures from the chapter. This is a great study tool.
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The Glossary/Glosario gives students a handy guide to look up definitions of bolded terms from throughout the textbook. The side-by-side glosario is available for students who would benefit from Spanish-language support for their reading.
A Math Tutorial supports students who might need additional math review and support.
Answers to Odd Problems provide students with the opportunity to check their answers as they work through the practice problems.
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“College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 Course is a text that does an excellent job of simplifying complex materials and of making sure that all of the material is presented both conceptually and concretely. The worked examples in the chapters are excellent and the AP practice is spot on.”
— Catherine M Tabor (Northwest Early College High School, TX)
“Finally a textbook specifically written for AP Physics 1. As an AP® Consultant I get asked to recommend textbooks by participants of workshops and Summer Institutes. There are a lot of good college textbooks published, but none has been designed for the High School student taking AP® Physics 1. The Stewart text introduces concepts and builds understanding based on Physics Education Research, while taking into account the specific demands of the AP® Physics 1 course.”
— Patrick Diehl, PhD (Walworth Barbour American International School, Israel)
“Very good text, great examples, great explanations. Easy to read and well explained concepts.”
— Robert Watson (Farmington High School, NM)
“This book has been very obviously designed for the AP® course. Most textbooks available for AP® Physics 1 are college texts that have been retrofitted for AP® content alignment. This book is designed with AP® Physics 1 students in mind.”
— Zachary Morgan (Olympia High School, FL)
“The material is treated to an appropriate breadth and depth with an eye towards the expectations of the CollegeBoard. Pointers for navigating the AP® exam are frequent and appropriate.”
— Linus Dolce (Saint Louis Priory School, MO)
“A text that students can read and understand. AP® exam parts are amazing. They are helpful and point out things I may forget along the way.”
— Amy Morris (Arkadelphia High School, AR)
“It breaks the material down into specific understandable chunks and is very intentional about preparing students for success on the AP® test.”
— Daniel Olthoff (Calvin Christian High School, MI)
“Great figures and equations with enough practice to actually get ready for the AP® Exam.”
— Charles Therriault (Newfound Regional High School, NH)
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 Course
Second Edition| ©2019
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 Course
Second Edition| 2019
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
Case Study: Laying the foundation for the successful study of physics
Chapter 1 Introduction to Physics
1-1 Scientists use special practices to understand and describe the natural world
1-2 Success in physics requires well-developed problem-solving skills utilizing mathematical, graphical and reasoning skills
1-3 Scientists use simplifying models to make it possible to solve problems; “object” will be an important model in your studies
1-4 Measurements in physics are based on standard units of time, length, and mass
1-5 Correct use of significant digits helps keep track of uncertainties in numerical values and uncertainty impacts conclusions from experimental results
1-6 Dimensional analysis is a powerful way to check the results of a physics calculation
Case Study: Kinematics
Chapter 2 Linear Motion
2-1 Studying motion in a straight line is the first step in understanding physics
2-2 Constant velocity means moving at a constant speed without changing direction
2-3 Velocity is the rate of change of position, and acceleration is the rate of change of velocity
2-4 Constant acceleration means velocity changes at a steady (constant) rate
2-5 Solving straight-line motion problems: Constant acceleration
2-6 Objects falling freely near Earth’s surface have constant acceleration
Chapter 3 Motion in Two or Three Dimensions
3-1 The ideas of linear motion help us understand motion in two or three dimensions
3-2 A vector quantity has both a magnitude and a direction
3-3 Vectors can be described in terms of components
3-4 Velocity and acceleration are vector quantities
3-5 A projectile moves in a plane and has a constant acceleration
3-6 You can solve projectile motion problems using techniques learned for straight-line motion
Case Study: Dynamics
Chapter 4 Forces and Motion I: Newton’s Laws
4-1 How objects move is determined by their interactions with other objects, which can be described by forces
4-2 If a net external force is exerted on an object, the object accelerates
4-3 Mass and weight are distinct but related concepts
4-4 A free-body diagram is essential in solving any problem involving forces, making one relies upon center of mass
4-5 Newton’s third law relates the forces that two objects exert on each other
4-6 All problems involving forces can be solved using the same series of steps
Chapter 5 Forces and Motion II: Applications
5-1 We can use Newton’s laws in situations beyond those we have already studied
5-2 The static friction force changes magnitude to offset other applied forces
5-3 The kinetic friction force on a sliding object has a constant magnitude
5-4 Problems involving static and kinetic friction are like any other problem with forces
5-5 An object moving through air or water experiences a drag force
Case Study: Circular Motion and Gravitation
Chapter 6 Circular Motion and Gravitation
6-1 Gravitation is a force of universal importance; add circular motion and you are on your way to explaining the motion of the planets and stars
6-2 An object moving in a circle is accelerating even if its speed is constant
6-3 For an object in uniform circular motion, the net force exerted on the object points toward the center of the circle
6-4 Newton’s law of universal gravitation explains the orbit of the Moon, and gives us an opportunity to introduce to the concept of field
6-5 Newton’s law of universal gravitation begins to explain the orbits of planets and satellites
6-6 Apparent weight and what it means to be “weightless”
Case Study: Energy
Chapter 7 Energy and Conservation I: Foundations
7-1 The ideas of work and energy are intimately related, this relationship is based on a conservation principle
7-2 The work done on a moving object by a constant force depends on the magnitude and direction of the force
7-3 Newton’s second law applied to an object lets us determine a formula for kinetic energy and state the work-energy theorem for an object
7-4 The work-energy theorem can simplify many physics problems
7-5 The work-energy theorem is also valid for curved paths and varying forces, and, with a little more information, systems as well as objects
7-6 Potential energy is energy related to reversible changes in a system’s configuration
Chapter 8 Energy and Conservation II: Applications and Extensions
8-1 Total energy is always conserved, but it is only constant for a closed, isolated system
8-2 Choosing systems and considering multiple interactions, including nonconservative ones, is required in solving physics problems
8-3 Energy conservation is an important tool for solving a wide variety of problems
8-4 Power is the rate at which energy is transferred into or out of a system or converted within a system
8-5 Gravitational potential energy is much more general, and profound, than our approximation for near the surface of Earth
Case Study: Momentum
Chapter 9 Momentum, Collisions, and the Center of Mass
9-1 Newton’s third law helps lead us to the idea of momentum
9-2 Momentum is a vector that depends on an object’s mass and velocity
9-3 The total momentum of a system of objects is always conserved; it is constant for systems that are well approximated as closed and isolated
9-4 In an inelastic collision some of the mechanical energy is dissipated
9-5 In an elastic collision both momentum and mechanical energy are constant
9-6 What happens in a collision is related to the time the colliding objects are in contact
9-7 The center of mass of a system moves as though all of the system’s mass were concentrated there
Case Study: Torque and Rotational Motion
Chapter 10 Rotational motion I
10-1 Rotation is an important and ubiquitous kind of motion
10-2 An extended object’s rotational kinetic energy is related to its angular velocity and how its mass is distributed
10-3 An extended object’s rotational inertia depends on its mass distribution and the choice of rotation axis
10-4 Conservation of mechanical energy also applies to rotating extended objects
10-5 The equations for rotational kinematics are almost identical to those for linear motion
10-6 Torque is to rotation as force is to translation
10-7 The techniques used for solving problems with Newton’s second law also apply to rotation problems
Chapter 11 Rotational motion II
11-1 Angular momentum and our next conservation law, conservation of angular momentum
11-2 Angular momentum is always conserved; it is constant when there is zero net torque exerted on a system
11-3 Rotational quantities such as torque are actually vectors
11-4 Newton’s law of universal gravitation along with gravitational potential energy and angular momentum explains Kepler’s laws for the orbits of planets and satellites
Case Study: Simple Harmonic Motion
Chapter 12 Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
12-1 We live in a world of oscillations
12-2 Oscillations are caused by the interplay between a restoring force and inertia
12-3 An object changes length when under tensile or compressive stress; Hooke’s Law is a special case
12-4 The simplest form of oscillation occurs when the restoring force obeys Hooke’s law
12-5 Mechanical energy is conserved in simple harmonic motion
12-6 The motion of a pendulum is approximately simple harmonic
Case Study: Mechanical Waves and Sound
Chapter 13 Waves and Sound
13-1 Waves transport energy and momentum from place to place without transporting matter
13-2 Mechanical waves can be transverse, longitudinal, or a combination of these; their speed depends on the properties of the medium
13-3 Sinusoidal waves are related to simple harmonic motion
13-4 Waves pass through each other without changing shape; while they overlap, the net displacement is just the sum of that of the individual waves
13-5 A standing wave is caused by interference between waves traveling in opposite directions
13-6 Wind instruments, the human voice, and the human ear use standing sound waves
13-7 Two sound waves of slightly different frequencies produce beats
13-8 The frequency of a sound depends on the motion of the source and the listener
Case Study: Electric Charge and Electric Force
Chapter 14 Electrostatics: Electric Charge and Force
14-1 Electric forces and electric charges are all around you—and within you
14-2 Matter contains positive and negative electric charge, and charge is always conserved
14-3 Charge can flow freely in a conductor, but not in an insulator
14-4 Coulomb’s law describes the force between charged objects
14-5 Electric forces are the true cause of many other forces you experience
Case Study: DC Circuits
Chapter 15 DC Circuits
15-1 Life on Earth and our technological society are only possible because of charges in motion
15-2 Electric current equals the rate at which charge flows
15-3 The resistance to current flow through an object depends on the object’s resistivity and dimensions
15-4 Electric Energy (modified from 17-1 and 2, to just talk in terms of forces, not fields).
15-5 Electric potential difference between two points equals the change in electric potential energy per unit charge moved between those two points
15-6 Conservation of energy and conservation of charge make it possible to analyze electric circuits
15-7 The rate at which energy is produced or taken in by a circuit element depends on current and electric potential difference
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 Course
Second Edition| 2019
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
Gay Stewart received her PhD in physics from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1994. She accepted a faculty position at University of Arkansas in 1994, where she focused on three interrelated issues: improving the introductory sequence to better prepare students to succeed in science and engineering degrees, improving the preparation of physics majors for the variety of career options open to physicists, and the preparation of future faculty, for both high school and professoriate. The undergraduate program saw dramatic improvement, with a 10-fold increase in number of graduates. She led UA’s efforts as one of the first six primary program institutions in the Physics Teacher Education Coalition, PhysTEC, which now has over 300 members. UA produces approximately one percent of the high school physics teachers with physics degrees nationally. Gay first received NSF support for her work in 1995. As a teaching assistant mentor, she developed a preparation program that grew into one of four sites for the NSF/AAPT “Shaping the Preparation of Future Science Faculty.” She was co-PI of an NSF GK-12 project that placed fellows in middle school mathematics and science classrooms. The results were so favorable that helping math and science teachers to work together was a component of the $7.3M NSF-MSP. Through the Noyce program she received $1,050,000 for support of students and master physics teachers. She chaired the College Board’s Science Academic Advisory Committee, co-chaired the Advanced Placement Physics Redesign commission, responsible for AP Physics 1 and 2, and the AP Physics 2 Development Committee. In 2014, Gay transitioned to WVU, where she is Eberly Professor of STEM Education and the founding director of the WVU Center for Excellence in STEM Education. The transdisciplinary Center works with faculty across STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and related disciplines at WVU, partner programs, and the WV Department of Education to enhance STEM education and STEM education opportunities in West Virginia, grades K-20. She is former president of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) and former member of the board of directors, council of representatives and the Committee on Education of the American Physical Society (APS). She is a Fellow of both the AAPT and the APS.
As a Teaching Professor of Physics at the Colorado School of Mines, Todd G. Ruskell focuses on teaching at the introductory level, and continually develops more effective ways to help students learn. One method used in large enrollment introductory courses is Studio Physics. This collaborative, hands-on environment helps students develop better intuition about, and conceptual models of, physical phenomena through an active learning approach. Dr. Ruskell brings his experience in improving students’ conceptual understanding to the text, as well as a strong liberal arts perspective. Dr. Ruskell’s love of physics began with a B.A. in physics from Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. He went on to receive an M.S. and Ph.D. in optical sciences from the University of Arizona. He has received awards for teaching excellence, including Colorado School of Mines’ Alumni Teaching Award. Dr. Ruskell currently serves on the physics panel and advisory board for the NANSLO (North American Network of Science Labs Online) project.
Dr. Philip Kesten, Associate Professor of Physics and Associate Provost for Residential Learning Communities at Santa Clara University, holds a B.S. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received his Ph.D. in high energy particle physics from the University of Michigan. Since joining the Santa Clara faculty in 1990, Dr. Kesten has also served as Chair of Physics, Faculty Director of the ATOM and da Vinci Residential Learning Communities, and Director of the Ricard Memorial Observatory. He has received awards for teaching excellence and curriculum innovation, was Santa Claras Faculty Development Professor for 2004-2005, and was named the California Professor of the Year in 2005 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education. Dr. Kesten is co-founder of Docutek, (A SirsiDynix Company), an Internet software company, and has served as the Senior Editor for Modern Dad, a newsstand magazine.
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 Course
Second Edition| 2019
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
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College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 Course
Second Edition| 2019
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 Course
Second Edition| 2019
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
Words Matter: Problems (and Solutions) to Consider in Teaching About Work and Energy
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