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College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses integrates AP® skill-building and exam prep into a comprehensive college-level textbook, providing students and teachers with the resources they need to be successful in AP® Physics 1 and AP® Physics 2. You’ll find AP® Exam Tips, AP® practice problems, and complete AP® Practice Exams, with each section of the textbook offering a unique skill-building approach. Media offerings include online homework with built-in tutorials to provide just-in-time feedback. College Physics’ provides students with the support they need to be successful on the AP® exam and in the college classroom.
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Get AP® Physics Ready! College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses was built to help you realize success on the AP® Physics 1 & 2 exams and in your physics courses. With student-focused authorship and unmatched features, it provides the built-in support that you want and need!
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses
Third Edition| ©2023
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses
Third Edition| 2023
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
Chapter 1 Introduction to Physics
UNIT 1: Kinematics
Chapter 2 Linear Motion
Chapter 3 Motion in Two or Three Dimensions
UNIT 2: Force and Translational Dynamics
Chapter 4 Forces and Motion I: Newton’s Laws
Chapter 5 Forces and Motion II: Applications
Chapter 6 Circular Motion and Gravitation
UNIT 3: Work, Energy, and Power
Chapter 7 Conservation of Energy and an Introduction to Energy and Work
Chapter 8 Application of Conservation Principles to Energy, Work, and Power
UNIT 4: Linear Momentum
Chapter 9 Momentum, Collisions, and the Center of Mass
AP® Physics 1 Practice Exam 1
UNIT 5: Torque and Rotational Dynamics
Chapter 10 Rotational Motion I: A New Kind of Motion
UNIT 6: Energy and Momentum of Rotating Systems
Chapter 11 Torque and Rotation II: Work, Energy, and Angular Momentum
UNIT 7: Oscillations
Chapter 12 Oscillations Including Simple Harmonic Motion
UNIT 8: Fluids
Chapter 13 The Physics of Fluids
AP® Physics 1 Practice Exam 2
UNIT 9: Thermodynamics
Chapter 14 Kinetic Theory, Ideal Gases, Energy Transfer, and Equilibrium
Chapter 15 Laws of Thermodynamics
UNIT 10: Electric Force, Field, and Potential
Chapter 16 Electric Charge, Force, and Field
Chapter 17 Electric Potential and Electric Potential Energy
UNIT 11: DC Circuits
Chapter 18 DC Circuits: Electric Charge in Motion
UNIT 12: Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Chapter 19 Magnetism: Forces and Fields
Chapter 20 Electromagnetic Induction
UNIT 13: Waves, Sound, and Physical Optics
Chapter 21 Mechanical Waves and Sound
Chapter 22 Electromagnetic Waves and Physical Optics
Chapter 23 Geometric Optics: Ray Properties of Light
UNIT 14: Modern Physics
Chapter 24 Quantum Physics and Atomic Structure
Chapter 25 Nuclear Physics
AP® Physics 2 Practice Exam
*Chapter 26 Relativity and an Introduction to Particle Physics
Math Tutorial
Appendix A SI Units and Conversion Factors
Appendix B Numerical Data
Appendix C Periodic Table of Elements
Answers to Odd Problems
*Enrichment Chapter
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses
Third Edition| 2023
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
Gay Stewart received her PhD in physics from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1994. She accepted a faculty position at University of Arkansas in 1994, where she focused on three interrelated issues: improving the introductory sequence to better prepare students to succeed in science and engineering degrees, improving the preparation of physics majors for the variety of career options open to physicists, and the preparation of future faculty, for both high school and professoriate. The undergraduate program saw dramatic improvement, with a 10-fold increase in number of graduates. She led UA’s efforts as one of the first six primary program institutions in the Physics Teacher Education Coalition, PhysTEC, which now has over 300 members. UA produces approximately one percent of the high school physics teachers with physics degrees nationally. Gay first received NSF support for her work in 1995. As a teaching assistant mentor, she developed a preparation program that grew into one of four sites for the NSF/AAPT “Shaping the Preparation of Future Science Faculty.” She was co-PI of an NSF GK-12 project that placed fellows in middle school mathematics and science classrooms. The results were so favorable that helping math and science teachers to work together was a component of the $7.3M NSF-MSP. Through the Noyce program she received $1,050,000 for support of students and master physics teachers. She chaired the College Board’s Science Academic Advisory Committee, co-chaired the Advanced Placement Physics Redesign commission, responsible for AP Physics 1 and 2, and the AP Physics 2 Development Committee. In 2014, Gay transitioned to WVU, where she is Eberly Professor of STEM Education and the founding director of the WVU Center for Excellence in STEM Education. The transdisciplinary Center works with faculty across STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and related disciplines at WVU, partner programs, and the WV Department of Education to enhance STEM education and STEM education opportunities in West Virginia, grades K-20. She is former president of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) and former member of the board of directors, council of representatives and the Committee on Education of the American Physical Society (APS). She is a Fellow of both the AAPT and the APS.
As a Teaching Professor of Physics at the Colorado School of Mines, Todd G. Ruskell focuses on teaching at the introductory level, and continually develops more effective ways to help students learn. One method used in large enrollment introductory courses is Studio Physics. This collaborative, hands-on environment helps students develop better intuition about, and conceptual models of, physical phenomena through an active learning approach. Dr. Ruskell brings his experience in improving students’ conceptual understanding to the text, as well as a strong liberal arts perspective. Dr. Ruskell’s love of physics began with a B.A. in physics from Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. He went on to receive an M.S. and Ph.D. in optical sciences from the University of Arizona. He has received awards for teaching excellence, including Colorado School of Mines’ Alumni Teaching Award. Dr. Ruskell currently serves on the physics panel and advisory board for the NANSLO (North American Network of Science Labs Online) project.
Dr. Philip Kesten, Associate Professor of Physics and Associate Provost for Residential Learning Communities at Santa Clara University, holds a B.S. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received his Ph.D. in high energy particle physics from the University of Michigan. Since joining the Santa Clara faculty in 1990, Dr. Kesten has also served as Chair of Physics, Faculty Director of the ATOM and da Vinci Residential Learning Communities, and Director of the Ricard Memorial Observatory. He has received awards for teaching excellence and curriculum innovation, was Santa Claras Faculty Development Professor for 2004-2005, and was named the California Professor of the Year in 2005 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education. Dr. Kesten is co-founder of Docutek, (A SirsiDynix Company), an Internet software company, and has served as the Senior Editor for Modern Dad, a newsstand magazine.
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses
Third Edition| 2023
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
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College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses
Third Edition| 2023
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses
Third Edition| 2023
Gay Stewart; Roger A. Freedman; Todd Ruskell; Philip R. Kesten
Words Matter: Problems (and Solutions) to Consider in Teaching About Work and Energy
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