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Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
This new offering from AP® teacher Karen Waples and college professor Scott Abernathy is tailor-made to help teachers and students transition to the redesigned AP® U. S. Government and Politics course. Carefully aligned to the course framework, this brief book is loaded with instructional tools t...
This new offering from AP® teacher Karen Waples and college professor Scott Abernathy is tailor-made to help teachers and students transition to the redesigned AP® U. S. Government and Politics course. Carefully aligned to the course framework, this brief book is loaded with instructional tools to help you and your students meet the demands of the new course, such as integrated skills instruction, coverage of required cases and documents, public policy threaded throughout the book, and AP® practice after every chapter and unit, all in a simple organization that will ease your course planning and save you time.
We’ve got you covered!
This package includes Hardcover and Hardcover.
This new offering from AP® teacher Karen Waples and college professor Scott Abernathy is tailor-made to help teachers and students transition to the redesigned AP® U. S. Government and Politics course. Carefully aligned to the course framework, this brief book is loaded with instructional tools to help you and your students meet the demands of the new course, such as integrated skills instruction, coverage of required cases and documents, public policy threaded throughout the book, and AP® practice after every chapter and unit, all in a simple organization that will ease your course planning and save you time.
We’ve got you covered!
Meticulously Aligned to the REDESIGNED AP® U.S. Government and Politics Course
From the Big Ideas to the Essential Knowledge statements, this book has been painstakingly aligned to the concepts of the course. Each book unit corresponds to the same unit in the course framework. We’ve kept the coverage brief and targeted to make the book and thus the course more manageable for you and your students.
Simple Modular Organization
Pacing your AP® U.S. Government and Politics Course can be very challenging with so many concepts and skills to teach, usually in only a single semester. To help, we have segmented chapters into 78 sections guided by learning targets. Each section serves as a discrete instructional module—just enough for a single day’s lesson to deliver content, skills, assignments, and assessments in a brief easy-to-use “chunk.” Whether you are a novice or veteran teacher, these modules will save you hours of planning time.
Integrated AP® Political Science Practices Features
Each chapter includes 2-3 special features to enhance students’ mastery of the course’s Political Science Practices and Reasoning Processes.–Each includes instruction, modeling, and practice in the AP® style.
Integrated Public Policy Coverage
Most traditional books relegate public policy to discrete, separate chapters, but the new AP® course integrates policy throughout. As you might expect from a book created for the new course, American Government: Stories of a Nation for the AP® Course incorporates public policy. This approach emphasizes how public policy functions as the application of principles taught in each chapter and how public policies actually are implemented.
Integrated AP® Exam Practice
At the end of every section, chapter, and unit, you will find AP®-style practice items—multiple choice questions, free response questions, and argumentation questions—that conform to the rewritten AP® exam. These questions were written and vetted by AP® teachers deeply familiar with the format of the new exam.
Meaningful, Focused Work on the Required Court Cases
The College Board chose fifteen required U.S. Supreme Court cases to highlight the role of the U.S. Supreme Court in interpreting the Constitution and Bill of Rights. In American Government: Stories of a Nation for the AP® Course , chapters that align with particular cases introduce a deep reading of the case, point out the importance of the case to the AP® course, and assess students’ knowledge. Argumentation questions introduce pertinent cases and ask students to articulate a thesis, use the cases as evidence, and write an essay.
Deeper Understanding of the Foundational Documents
The revised course focuses on foundational documents like the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. This book leads students carefully through those foundational documents, quoting them extensively, and summarizing their arguments. In addition to multiple-choice and free-response practice, your students will also learn how to use the foundational documents as evidence in the model argumentation questions where they get practice writing an essay in the style of the revised AP® Exam.
A supplemental document reader containing required foundational documents and court cases is also available.
Critical Thinking Assignments to Extend Learning
To add some fun and interesting ideas for taking your class beyond the exam, this book includes Critical Thinking Assignments at the end of each chapter and unit to prompt students to engage with the course concepts in novel and creative ways.
Engaging Narratives That Bring Abstract Concepts to Life
American Government: Stories of a Nation for the AP® Course puts an emphasis on practical applications by framing each chapter with a story from the real world showing how the principles of government have real effects that impact real people. For example, to understand political participation and political formation, we follow the story of an AP® U.S. Government student in Colorado who volunteered for a Republican congressional campaign and became increasingly involved in electoral politics.
Complete Package to Support Your Instruction
This book comes with a wrap-around Teacher’s Edition, written by veteran AP® teachers and College Board® consultants, who know the course and know the students.
The Teacher’s Resource Materials include everything you need to support your teaching and your students’ learning. From handouts to lesson plans, you’ll find it all in the TRM (available as a flash drive, or as resources in the e-book).
American Government: Stories of a Nation for the AP® Course is available in a range of e-book platforms, including our fully interactive LaunchPad e-book. In LaunchPad, every question in the book is assignable. This means that students can respond directly in the e-book and have their work report to your gradebook. It includes integrated Teacher’s Resource Materials and LearningCurve adaptive quizzing, and it works on any device. To find the e-book that’s right for you, contact your Bedford, Freeman & Worth sales representative.
Our LearningCurve adaptive quizzing engine will guide students to mastery of the course content. This first-ever LearningCurve for AP® U.S. Government is specifically designed to build understanding of the revised AP® course concepts.
The ExamView® Assessment Suite includes more than a thousand AP®-style multiple choice, free-response, and argumentation questions to help students prepare for the AP® Exam. The ExamView Test Generator lets you quickly create paper, Internet, and LAN-based tests. Tests can be created in minutes, and the platform is fully customizable, allowing you to enter your own questions, edit existing questions, set time limits, and incorporate multimedia. To discourage plagiarism and cheating, the test bank can scramble answers and change the order of questions. Detailed results reports feed into a gradebook.
The Foundational Documents and Court Cases Reader includes all of the documents and cases required by the College Board®, as well as some frequently taught works that go beyond the course framework. Each document is accompanied by commentary and guided questions, to help students understand these complex texts.
New to This Edition
American Government: Stories of a Nation
First Edition| ©2019
Scott Abernathy; Karen Waples
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
American Government: Stories of a Nation
First Edition| 2019
Scott Abernathy; Karen Waples
Unit 1 Democracy and the Constitution
Chapter 1 American Government and Politics: The Stories of Our Nation
Section 1.1 The Fight for Students’ Rights
Section 1.2 American Political Culture
Section 1.3 Competing Theories of Democracy
Section 1.4 Institutions, Systems, and Power
Chapter 2 The Constitution: A New Vision of Government
Section 2.1 The Articles of Confederation
Section 2.2 The Constitutional Convention
Section 2.3 Branches of Government
Section 2.4 Ratification: Federalists versus Antifederalists
Chapter 3 Federalism: Dividing Power between the National Government and the States
Section 3.1 Conflict over Medical Marijuana
Section 3.2 Federalism and the Constitution
Section 3.3 The Dynamic Nature of Federalism
Section 3.4 Modern American Federalism
Section 3.5 The Supreme Court and Modern Federalism
Unit 1 Review
Unit 2 The Branches of the Federal Government
Chapter 4 Congress: Representation, Organization, and Legislation
Section 4.1 The Constitution and Congress
Section 4.2 Politics of Congressional Elections
Section 4.3 The Organization of Congress
Section 4.4 "I’m Just a Bill"
Section 4.5 Congress and the Budget
Section 4.6 Challenges of Representation
Chapter 5 The American Presidency: Individuals, Institutions, and Executive Power
Section 5.1 Presidential Power and the War on Terror
Section 5.2 The Constitution and the American Presidency
Section 5.3 Limits on Presidential Power
Section 5.4 The Modern Presidency in Context
Section 5.5 The War on Terror and Presidential Power
Chapter 6 The Federal Judiciary: Politics, Power, and the "Least Dangerous" Branch
Section 6.1 Judicial Independence from Money and Politics—Or Both
Section 6.2 The Constitution and the Federal Judiciary
Section 6.3 John Marshall and the Power of the Supreme Court
Section 6.4 Organization of the Federal Judiciary
Section 6.5 Judicial Review, Constitutional Interpretation, and Judicial Decision Making
Chapter 7 The Federal Bureaucracy: Putting the Nation’s Laws into Effect
Section 7.1 How the Bureaucracy Is Organized
Section 7.2 The Structure of the Modern Federal Bureaucracy
Section 7.3 The Bureaucracy and Policy Making
Section 7.4 Checks on the Bureaucracy
Unit 2 Review
Unit 3 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Chapter 8 Civil Liberties: Protecting Fundamental Freedoms
Section 8.1 The Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Section 8.2 Selective Incorporation
Section 8.3 The Right of Religious Freedom
Section 8.4 The Right of Expression and the Right to Own Firearms
Section 8.5 The Rights of Defendants
Section 8.6 Privacy and Other Rights
Chapter 9 Civil Rights: What Is Equality?
Section 9.1 Securing Rights for Those with Disabilities
Section 9.2 The Fight against Segregation
Section 9.3 The Civil Rights Movement
Section 9.4 The Fight for Women’s Rights
Unit 3 Review
Unit 4 American Political Ideologies and Beliefs
Chapter 10 American Political Culture: What Americans Believe
Section 10.1 Core Political Values
Section 10.2 Political Socialization
Section 10.3 Globalization and American Core Values
Chapter 11 Public Opinion: Measuring Americans’ Opinions
Section 11.1 What Is Public Opinion?
Section 11.2 Trying to Measure Public Opinion Accurately
Section 11.3 The Effects of Public Opinion on Democratic Representation
Chapter 12 Political Ideology
Section 12.1 Party Ideology
Section 12.2 Ideology and Fiscal Policy
Section 12.3 Monetary Policy
Unit 4 Review
Unit 5 Political Participation
Chapter 13 Elections and Campaigns: Candidates and Voters in an Era of Demographic Change
Section 13.1 Forms of Political Participation
Section 13.2 Voting
Section 13.3 Elections and Democratic Representation
Section 13.4 The Politics of Presidential Elections
Section 13. 5 Money and Campaigns
Chapter 14 Political Parties: The Outsiders versus the Establishment
Section 14.1 Functions of Political Parties
Section 14.2 The Development of American Political Parties
Section 14.3 Parties and Political Campaigns
Section 14.4 Third Parties
Chapter 15 Interest Groups and Social Movements: Collective Action, Power and Representation
Section 15.1 A Nation of Joiners
Section 15.2 Interest-Group Tactics
Section 15.3 Social Movements
Chapter 16 The Media: New Technologies, Enduring Issues
Section 16.1 The Evolving News Media
Section 16.1 Regulating Content and Ownership
Section 16.1 How the Media Shape American Politics Today
Unit 5 Review
American Government: Stories of a Nation
First Edition| 2019
Scott Abernathy; Karen Waples
After working as an on-street counselor for homeless adolescents in Boston, Scott received a master of curriculum and instruction and taught fourth and seventh grades in Wisconsin public schools. Hoping to learn more about the underlying systems that drove educational outcomes, Scott completed an M.P.A in domestic policy and then a Ph.D. in Politics from Princeton University. Scott is now an associate professor of political science and a University Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Minnesota. He is also the author of School Choice and the Future of American Democracy and No Child Left Behind and the Public Schools, both from University of Michigan Press.
Formerly a trial attorney, Karen Waples has taught since 1989 and currently teaches AP® Comparative Government and Politics and AP® U.S. Government and Politics at Holy Family High School in Broomfield, Colorado. Karen has served as a reader, table leader, question leader, and exam leader for the AP® Comparative Government and Politics Exam and as a reader for the AP® U.S. Government and Politics and AP® U.S. History Exams. She is an endorsed consultant for the College Board® and leads workshops and institutes throughout the country for both the AP® Comparative Government and Politics course and the AP® U.S. Government and Politics course. Karen was the chair of the College Board® Social Science Academic Advisory Committee and was a member of the Curriculum Re-design Committee for AP® U.S. Government and Politics. She received the Colorado Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education in 1997 and was recognized as a Cherry Creek High School Teacher of the Year in 2002.
American Government: Stories of a Nation
First Edition| 2019
Scott Abernathy; Karen Waples
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American Government: Stories of a Nation
First Edition| 2019
Scott Abernathy; Karen Waples
American Government: Stories of a Nation
First Edition| 2019
Scott Abernathy; Karen Waples
Meet Karen Waples
Author Talk
The AP® US Government & Politics Redesign
Thinking Like a Political Scientist
These materials are owned by BFW High School Publishers or its licensors and are protected by United States copyright law. They are being provided solely for evaluation purposes only by instructors who are considering adopting BFW High School Publishers’s textbooks or online products for use by students in their courses. These materials may not be copied, distributed, sold, shared, posted online, or used, in print or electronic format, except in the limited circumstances set forth in the BFW High School Publishers Terms of Use and any other reproduction or distribution is illegal. These materials may not be made publicly available under any circumstances. All other rights reserved. © 2020 BFW High School Publishers.
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